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Academy of Free Travelling - about Russian hitch-hiking. "All our unique information about geography, places of interest, and travel comes from our own experience. With this information everyone can get to any city in Russia with little or no money. We also have contact info for tourist clubs, ferry and boat schedules, climate and road conditions updates, and are always happy to share this knowledge."(eng)

Steve Savage, Australia

Those crazy Russians - People who have followed my adventures might think that the way I travel- leaving home with no money, hitchhiking, staying with complete strangers- is wild and crazy. But I gotta tell you, some of these Russians make my travels look like a week at Club Med... (eng)

Peter Reitsma, Rotterdam

Hitchhiking in Russia and Ukraine (2004)
After having made an intensive study of hitchhiking in Russia and the former USSR, this summer was the time to give it a try. The following is a report including pictures of this undertaking. (eng., ned., dut)

Peter Reitsma, Rotterdam
Rotterdam-Vladivostok (2005)
A hitchhiking travel from Rotterdam (West Coast of the Netherlands to Vladivostok (East Coast of Russia)(eng)

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